Communities Housing Trust currently hold your details on our database of trusted contractors and we need to keep this list up to date. We will review this list annually and give you the option to remain one of our approved contractors.
As a private landlord, we would expect repairs to be undertaken within a reasonable timescale. Where there is a safety risk or an emergency repair we would expect attendance within 24 hours. There may be times where we would require you to make a situation safe or manageable until specialist contractors can attend or parts are ordered. Invoicing and payment Invoices should be addressed to Communities Housing Trust and can be sent to Moray House, 16-18 Bank Street, Inverness, IV1 1QY or to [email protected] We will let you know, if we are acting on behalf of a partner organisation, who invoices should be directed to.
Out of hours contact We use Hanover Commercial to operate an out of hours emergency repairs service. Our tenants can contact Hanover during evenings, weekends, over Christmas, etc and Hanover will then determine if their call is an emergency repair before calling on a contractor. Professional Memberships and Contractor Insurances
General Information